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Association Culturelle Arménienne de Marne-la-Vallée (France)

The ACAM Quizz

This 20 questions quizz was created to entertain you and to test your knowledge of armenian history and culture. Some questions are easy to answer and require only logic and common sense. Others may necessitate a small detour to other pages. Finally, some questions are a little more difficult and may require a little research at the library.

You can check answers by clicking on the "Check answers" button at the end of the quiz.

The ACAM team wishes you good luck !

1. Was the armenian alphabet at its creation composed of? 36 letters
28 letters
32 letters


2. You read an armenian text ? from right to left
from left to right
3. The armenian alphabet was invented in year 301, by Grégoire the Illuminator
in year 405, by Mesrob Machtots
in year 1000, by Grégoire of Narek


4. The armenian language is written in a latin alphabet
a cyrillic alphabet
an alphabet of its own


5. The first newspaper written in armenian, "Aztarar", was published in 1794... at Madras
at Venice
at Constantinople


6. The first book ever published in armenian, "Ourpatakirk", was printed in 1512... at Amsterdam
at Venice
at Tbilissi


7. Archag Tchobanian was known as a... Painter


8. Raffi is the author of one of following books : Samuel
Le Bateau sur la montagne ("The Boat on a mountain")
The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze


9. Among the following writers, only one did not write in armenian : Arpiar Arpiarian
Alexandre Chirvandzadé
William Saroyan
Hovannes Toumanian


10. Noah's Ark landed in historical Armenia on Mount Arakadz


11. Armenia was christianized by two apostles :

saint Peter and saint Paul
saint Thaddeus and saint Bartholomew


12. The seat of the Armenian apostolic Church is at Erevan


13. The battle of Avaraïr, also known as "Vartanantz ", took place in year 310
in year 451
in year 1920


14. The last king of Armenia holding this title is : Archag II
Tiridate III
Tigrane II
Leon of Lusignan


15. With which dynasty did belong the last king of Armenia Leon V? The Bourbons
The Lusignan
The Bagratides
The Habsbourg


16. The hero of the armenian epic story "David de Sassoun" fought... The Arabs
The Georgians
The Greeks


17. The area of the Republic of Armenia is of 302 400 sq km
36 500 sq km
29 800 sq km


18. Erevan, capital of the Republic of Armenia, is at an altitude of 500 meters
900 meters
1 500 meters


19. The Republic of Armenia has 2 500 000 inhabitants
3 500 000 inhabitants
5 500 000 inhabitants


20. The city with the greatest number of Armenians at the beginning of the 20th century was : Van


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