| |||||||
La cathédrale |
Le choeur |
L'autel |
Les vitraux |
Les sièges des mariés |
Une demoiselle d'honneur |
Entrée du fiancé |
Entrée de la fiancée |
Face à l'autel |
Les bandeaux Au second plan, Mgr Nacachian |
Mariés et parents |
Les mariés et M. et Mme Hatchikian |
Découpe du gâteau |
Buvons ! |
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Messages reçus par le Webmaster
Mail from Sossie, the 17th of January 2002 Hi ! This is Sossie Khache from LA [NDLR: Los Angeles]. I need the email address of the Armenian Apostolical cathedral St-Jean-Baptist of Paris Rue Jean Goujon. Can you help me for getting it or have an email address for a personnel responsable for getting appointments for a wedding ceremony. I had been in Paris several times. I’m actually engaged and we decided to get married in the Cathedral of Jean Baptist of Paris. I deeply appreciate your cooperation. Wishing you a successful year for ACAM. My best wishes for all of you. Sincerely yours, Sossie. Grâce à Arsène Kalaïdjan, l’actif webmasterd’Armenweb.com, j’ai pu d’abord récupérer l’email de l’église. Et ça a
marché, puisque mon épouse et moi-même étions invités au mariage !
New mail from Sossie, the 20th of September 2003, at 8:20 AM, local time in France I'm Sossie Khacho Gureghian. This is our new Little one Antranig Gorun Gureghian. He will be 4 months old tomorrow the 20th of September 2003. Please share his photos on your webside so my friends in Europe & worldwide could see him. We got married on 21st of April 2002 and Antranig Gorun born in the 20th of May 2003. We called him Antranig Gorun, because Antranig means in Armenian "the First Born"...Antranig zavag ...And Gorun is the leo's baby cub. As Vatche & myself, we are from the same horoscope sigh LEO so Antranig Gorun is our First child. Please share with us our joy :) Hope he will be a great Armenian So we all will be proud of ANTRANIG GORUN. Wish you all the best! Sincerely, Vatche & Sossie Sossiebaby@aol.com 621 N First Street Montebello CA 90640 Message from the webmaster
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